Monday, October 3, 2016

How You Can Shape Your Child's Character

As a mom I'm concerned about how well I will mold my daughter's character throughout her childhood. Girls are often made to believe that what matters is how beautiful they look and how charming they can be. While there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself physically and looking put together, I want to make sure that she grows up to become a woman of godly integrity, self respect and compassion for others. Here are ways we can mold our children's character for good.

Model Godly Character at Home

If you want your children to develop godly character, it's important that you model this behavior before them consistently. Engage the  children in family devotions and prayer, and apply Scriptural principles to your own life so that your children will see how important this is to you. Maintain a humble attitude and be willing to admit when you fall short as a parent. Your example speaks more volumes than the lectures you give.

Mention the "Why" Behind Your Rules

So often as moms we are quick to give our children commands and while we should do this, we need to explain to them why we set certain rules for them to follow. For example, if you tell your son that he is not to spend no more than an hour playing video games on weekdays, mention that you have this rule in place because you're trying to teach him to be productive and well rounded as he grows up. Or if your daughter must save part of her allowance each week, you can tell her that the purpose is to teach her about saving for what she wants.

Give Technology a Break

You won't effectively mold your children's character if you're constantly plugged in to devices. Set aside one or two technology-free days each week as a family and look for more meaningful activities to enjoy together. Some neat ideas for family time include picnics at the park, skating, bowling, quiet reading at home, lunch in the backyard and working on the family scrapbook.

Make Everyday Activities Teachable Moments

Another way to teach your children about strong character is to turn everyday activities into teachable moments. If you and your son are planting a vegetable garden in the backyard, talk about how the planting process works and why growing your own vegetables is healthy and cost-effective in the long term. If the children are watching a documentary about autism, talk with them about showing compassion for those with certain illnesses, animals, the elderly, the deaf and blind and the disabled.

Discipline With Love

Setting boundaries is another important part of molding your child's character. When you discipline your child, make sure that you don't do it in a harsh manner or because you're frustrated with someone else such as your spouse or employer. Before you apply discipline, tell your child the reasons why it is happening and that you still love him. Don't spoil your child so much that he feels he can get away with anything because this will hurt his well being in the future.

Prayers for Children are Important

Sometimes your instruction and discipline rub the children the wrong way and they are not interested in doing the right thing. In this case it would be best to consistently pray that God will turn their hearts and minds towards a desire to live godly lives. By doing this you reduce the stress of parenting and you show that you're trusting God to mold them according to biblical truth. 

Give Them Character Building Experiences

It also helps to give them opportunities to build their character. One idea is to have them prepare gift baskets for children who have to spend extended time in the hospital. You can also send them to elderly relatives' homes for the summer and have the kids help them with housekeeping tasks, special projects and running errands.

These tips will get you started on the track towards character development for your children, and you might see immediate results but you will see them in the future as they become adults. 

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